
  • Parenting

    Summer Packets

    So excited to put together a list of the things we use over summer to keep the girls up on their academics! It might just be the teacher in me, but I get so excited preparing these for them and enjoy spending some time watching them grow in their abilities! So in a nutshell I put together binders for them with Math, ELA, and Reading Logs, I create an incentive program for completing work and finishing books, I have a few academic based digital programs I let them use, and lastly use two digital programs for physical activity. It sounds like a lot but, it’s not! I am here to…

  • Parenting

    Parenting Books For Behavior Management

    Let me tell you about my girls! First off, I couldn’t be more in love with each of them nor want any less than the very best as they grow up and become their own person in society! My prayer is always, that their heart is focused on God and that they seek the path He has laid out for them! With that being said, there is no manual for how to handle your kids, but I will say it is not something you can do on your own. I have intentionally chosen to invest my time into learning about their cognitive ability and readiness to handle certain situations based…

  • Parenting

    Baby Routine

    We thrive with routine and consistency at our house. Our girls sleep through the night, they are healthy and for the most part and know what to expect on a day to day basis! I’d like to preface this with stating that I am definitely not the perfect parent. I am also aware that what may work in our house for our girls may not work in all households and that is okay! The bigger picture is that us mommas stick together, encourage each other, respect each other and help each other in whatever way possible. Other mommas who have shared their tips and tricks has been so helpful to…

  • Baby and Kids,  Parenting

    Bedtime Routine

    We are the parents that get our kids to bed, most would say, pretty darn early. All three of our kiddos are in bed and asleep by 7:30pm. The reason we have made this such a large priority is so that my husband and I can make time, each night, for each other. Our days are so busy, between three kids, distance learning, my husband working a full time job and, an infant, we really don’t have a lot of time to actually connect durning the day, especially without interruption. After the kiddos are in bed we grab a drink and snack, talk through our day, and then binge watch…

  • Parenting

    Rest Time

    Routines In General – If you don’t know by now, I personally function best with routines and predicability. I learned while taking child development courses, that kids function best with consistency. So during the week in our home, our days are very consistent. For our two older girls we have morning and bedtime routines and a tentative schedule that helps us get through our day while accomplishing school, chores and of course time for fun stuff! This is helpful for me, they know when they can have a snack and where to get it from, they know they will have a quiet time during the day and that they get…

  • Parenting

    Distance Learning

    Who is still doing distance learning? We are located in Southern California and are still doing school from home! To say the least I am so sad for my sweet girls, they need their friends and their incredible teachers, in person. It has been tough but we have created a really positive environment at home and a very solid routine. I feel like I have a small advantage being a former teacher and a stay at home momma. I have used a lot of what I learned and practiced in the classroom, at home, and have the time to do so and focus on my girls. My heart goes out…