Faith Focused Friday
I feel like our world is so brave on social media and honestly just in general. It is so ready to make people live in fear, act out on anger and fight back when there is no fight to be had. WHY? So willing to post/do whatever they want because they don’t have to face the consequences head on. Here is what I think… we all have to face the consequences of our actions in one way or another. Why risk it? Do good. Be good. Be kind. Play nice. Be peaceful and understanding. Follow the rules!
The verse this week is Romans 12:18. It tells us to live at peace with everyone! How hard is that? Well, sometimes it can be really hard but if we can remember who the real judge is, the one that matters most, we really can live at peace with everyone. We can fall back on the foundation that is the word of God. We can rely on it and trust it, as it is the one true truth. Forgive each other, try to be understanding, remember everyone has things they are dealing with, and no matter what use kindness as your go to! Be the light and live in peace!

One Comment
Such a great reminder to rely on your inner peace and flex it like a muscle when things get tough. 💙